Thursday, February 2, 2017

Yarmouth to host Craft Beer Fest This May

Mile East Productions will be hosting a Craft Beer Festival and Hop Run on May 27th at Rodd Grand Yarmouth in Yarmouth. The company who has been organizing event in the southwest Nova Scotia region for the past seven years will will have an afternoon and an evening session as well as a 1,2 and 3 mile Hop Run. 
The format for the Hop run event, which precedes the fest, is you drink one beer, then start your first mile. Looping back around to the start point you will either finish and drink your victory beer or have your next drink before heading out for your next lap. Do up to three laps and drink up to four beers. The proceeds from the run will be going to a charity. 
The fest is a ticket event where each ticket get you a beer sample or food sample (food from Grand Hotel). General admission gets you five tickets while VIP gives you ten sampling tickets as well as access to the VIP area. There is also a designated driver ticket available. 
When I spoke to Rick Allwright he said he initially hoped to get 15 brewers to attend and it quickly shot to 12 confirmed and left him with the opposite decision of where he may have to cut off brewers.
Tickets available now with early bird pricing until February 15th at