Friday, August 28, 2015

Maritime Beer Report - August 28, 2015

Welcome to the August 28th edition of the Maritime Beer Report.

PEI Brewing Company says with the return of the Harvest 4-pack comes the return of Harvest Time lager - super crisp, great hop aroma and finish to it. Available in the retail store at the brewery now and soon in the 4-packs to PEILCC and Alcool NB Liquor stores

Upstreet Craft Brewing have released the details on their collaboration with Emily from Boxing Rock Brewing. The new India Pale Lager known as Rumble in the Alley: Round 1 is set to release on September 5th, the day of the Block Party. The Block Party will be on September 5th and is a free outdoor event in their parking lot from 12-8pm, with an after party in the taproom following the event. This party will feature local food vendors, live musical performances, a pop-up barber shop, lawn games, activities, and more. Upstreet will also be doing guided brewery tours throughout the day. 

Pump House Brewing tells me that they will be making their Stone Fire Ale again this year, and hopefully every year, on September 3rd to celebrate their anniversary. Look for this beer in the special 750 ml bottles in October. They are also releasing SPCA IPA this fall in support of the animal charity, expect this one to be good and hoppy.

I tweeted this week that Shiretown Brewing has closed its doors. Sad news but the brewer is still working in the industry as a sales rep for another craft brewer.

TrailWay Brewing's two brewers' wives took over for a brew and it is now ready. It is called "Better Half" and is a 4.5% ABV Blueberry Lime Ale brewed with real lime and local blueberries. Sounds like a nice summer beer.

NB Liquor is celebrating the winners of this year’s Canadian Brewing Awards by offering a selection of 38 varieties of beer and one cider from among the medal winners. Participating corporate stores will have the brands available starting on August 31st, I have seen some of these beers already appearing in some stores.

Big Spruce Brewing will be harvesting their hops for a Community Harvest IPA next week, Jeremy assures me it will be a hoppy brew, watch their facebook page for updates. They also announced The 3rd Annual Big Spruce Home Brew Challenge. First, Second and Third Place will be announced in each of the 3 styles, plus there will be a declared overall "best in show" winner. Entrants that place in each of the style categories will each win a swag package, and the Best in Show winner will also be given the opportunity to brew their beer at Big Spruce Brewing for release in January 2016 at the 3rd Annual Craft Beer and Local Food festival put on by Local Connections in Halifax. The selected beer styles for the competition, per BJCP Style Guidelines 2015, are:
1) 21B. Specialty IPA - Red IPA
2) 7B. Altbier
3) 3D. Dark Czech Lager
All the details are available now so get brewing.

The Garrison Brewing collaboration brew they did with Great Lakes Brewery and Metalman Brewing earlier this month has a name. Not So Gentle Tickle IPA is being described as a monster of a IPA. Garrison also announced Hop’n’Brats happening on September 25th from 6 PM until 11 PM. They say breweries from across the province will be there to present their top brands, while enjoying your favorite Sausage themed food with live music. Entry is $16 which includes 5 sample tickets and a souvenir sample cup.

Boxing Rock Brewing and North Brewing were busy this week harvesting and brewing their annual Many Hands collaboration beer. Look for details and release date in the coming weeks on version 3.0.

Gahan House Halifax has a couple of interesting beers to look for. Karen Allen was visiting Emily from Boxing Rock last week and she was kind enough to let her harvest some Cascade and Chinook hops from her back yard. Karen will be doing a wet-hop pale ale with them that will be released the last week of September. Also being released that week will be an Oyster Beer to promote the Oyster Festival on October 4th. It`s fairly experimental, but the plan is for it to be an ultra pale ale with lemon and sea salt. Going to throw a bit of rye malt in there for a touch of spiciness. The plan is for it to pair well with oysters and it will be on tap at Gahan the whole week leading up to Oyster Festival.

Thanks for following along this week and until next time enjoy responsibly.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Q & A with Paul Maybee of Maybee Brewing

I would like to thanks Paul Maybee for taking the time to answer my questions 

Maritime Beer Report (MBR): Who is Paul Maybee?  
Paul Maybee (PM): Family man, handy man, canoeist, photographer, local food and culture enthusiast, musician, brewer.

MBR: Where are you from?  
PM: I grew up on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, and have been in Fredericton for about 8 years.

MBR: What is your brewing experience? 
PM: I have been home brewing for 10 years.  Like most people, I started brewing with kits because it was good and cheap beer.  Then as I discovered new styles, I realized that I could create beers that weren't readily available in my area.  A few years ago I was in Vancouver with a friend who was telling me about his beer club.  I told him this was one of the great things about a large city.  When I got home, I decided I would just check and found that we have an amazing beer community right here in Fredericton.  Joining the beer club here was the best thing I did for my brewing ability and love of beer.

MBR: What made you want to open a brewery?  
PM: It was actually my wife, Mikey who set things in motion.  It had always been in the back of my head, but only as a "wouldn't that be great" kind of thing.  She mentioned to me one day that I spent nearly all my free time brewing beer, and what if I put my business experience and passion for beer together.

MBR: How big will it be to start? 
PM: We will begin with a 10 barrel system, making double batches.  We gave ourselves enough space to expand our production capacity with demand over the next several years.

MBR: How and where do you plan on selling your beer? 
PM: We are a small production brewery, so our focus will be first to get our beer into (16 oz) cans and into the liquor stores throughout New Brunswick.  You will also be able to get our beer in cans, growlers, kegs and by the glass from our taproom.  We plan to have our beer on tap in a few key beer bars in Fredericton as well, but our focus will be on getting as much of our beer into cans as possible.  I look forward to the day when we are able to sell our beer in farmer's markets.  I think that day is coming, but as it stands now, we can't sell beer in Farmers Markets in New Brunswick.

MBR: When do you plan on opening? 
PM: We originally were hoping to be open by July 2016, but things have progressed much faster than we could have hoped, so now we are looking at an opening date before Christmas, 2015.  As with any construction project, there will be delays, so the window is still pretty wide at this point.  We will be posting our progress on facebook and instagram, so people can get a look behind the scenes of what's involved in building a brewery, and to see when we're getting closer to opening our doors.

MBR: You have some interesting styles, are they year rounds? Do you plan on seasonals? 
PM: Yes, most of the beers listed on our website will be year-rounds, but a plan is only a plan, and we will adjust what sticks around based on what is most popular.  We will most definitely be doing seasonals and special releases featuring local ingredients, as well as some Brett beers and sours down the road.

Please check out Maybee Brewing's progress on facebook and Instagram, so you can get behind the scenes to see how they build the brewery.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Maritime Beer Report - August 21, 2015

Welcome to the August 21st edition of the Maritime Beer Report. 

PEI Brewing Company released a huge amount of news this week some of it new and some of it more details. First is some details on their cask program at the brewery, they say every two weeks, or less depending on volume, they'll have a new cask to try out. They say to expect some very interesting flavours and some things you may have never seen before.
They've still got the Galaxy hop version of our Vic Park Pale Ale available and say a Mandarina Bavaria version will be released shortly, watch social networks to find out when and where. They are also be releasing Vic Park in a 473ML can in September using the Citra hop variety. 
As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago they kept a fair amount of ReAnimator Bock and stored it away in some oak barrels. They will be releasing this as a 750ML premium seasonal in September. PEIBC also says their to look for their Pumpkin Ale, also slated to return in early September.  Finally their Transmitter Coffee Stout will also be returning this fall .

Les Brasseurs du Petit-Sault has released a new seasonal, John Stadig, an Orange-Ginger White Beer. They warn this 4% ABV limited release and won't last long. If you are wondering the back story on John Stadig, he was a famous counterfeiter in the 1930s from the Saint John River Valley who got caught and sent to Alcatraz. He's one of the few men who managed to escape from this famed prison. His remains are buried at the Connors cemetery in Upper Madawaska County.

Flying Boats Brewing is having a Launch Party on Thursday September 3rd, starting at 7 PM at the Laundromat Expresso Bar, 382B St. George Street in Moncton. Come join in celebrating NB's newest local Craft Beer brewery and enjoy a hand crafted Ales.

Grimross Brewing Company's new beer, a Belgian Dubbel has been released. It is amber brown, smokey caramel, with a warm finish and 6.8% ABV. 

Hammond River Brewing Company also has a brand new beer, it's a 10.4% Belgian Dark Strong Ale called Sterke Monnik. Look for this one and the return of Gammie in a few weeks.

A new brewery that I heard of recently popped up on social media yesterday in a big way. Maybee Brewery is currently building a 10 barrel operation at 559 Wilsey Road in Fredericton this fall,  They go on to say their beers will be available at ANBL stores in 16 oz cans, at some of your favorite craft beer bars in Fredericton, as well as at the Brewery taproom by the glass, growler, keg or can. They list five beers on their website, looks like hop and belgian loving brewery. Look for my Q&A with the owner Paul Maybee.

Uncle Leo's Brewery has its Winterschlaf back on, it is the Kolsch they had on last winter. It is 5.5% and 25 IBU.  Light, refreshing and crisp.

The Official Beers and Ciders for Sausagefest next month were revealed. 
Propeller Wind Swell Wheat - This American Pale Wheat beer is a brew that’s mild and approachable yet has a lot of personality. Ample additions of Cascade hops bring flowery, citrus & spice notes while the wheat added provides a silky smooth finish.
Garrison Hammerschlagen Brau - Named after the German game played at Halifax Oktoberfest, this “Oktoberfest Brau” is brewed in the traditional marzen style to create Germany’s most popular fall beer. Pleasant toffee like flavours, medium body and low hopping make this seasonal lager worthy of celebration. 
Bulwark Hopped Citrus Cider - Celebrating two of our native crops—hops and apples—Nova Scotia’s first hopped cider is a citrus-forward brew. It begins with a special blend of Annapolis Valley apples designed to tame the bitterness characteristic of dry hopped brews. Cascade and comet hop varieties combine with the apple base to create a light and refreshing cider featuring notes of lemon and grapefruit. 
Boxing Rock Kerfuffle APA - A fresh, bright, coppery gold pale ale with a balanced malty backbone and smooth bitterness to wash down your carnivorous sausage indulgences. Dry-hopped for extra punch, the hop character is like a south shore hurricane, building in intensity until it blows you away. Henry also added that this has 100% Canadian hops. 

I had the pleasure of visiting Kellye Robertson at Spindrift Brewing yesterday, look for a blog on my visit early next week. 

Thanks for joining me again this week and as always enjoy responsibly.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Maritime Beer Report - August 14, 2015

Hello and welcome to the Maritime Beer Report for August 14th.

PEI Brewing Company says they found 40 bottles of Ice Boat Barrel-Aged Stout. If your lucky enough to be in the area drop in to the brewery and see if you can grab some.

Upstreet Craft Brewing and Boxing Rock Brewing Company worked on a collaboration brew that they will be releasing in a couple of weeks. Keep your eyes peeled for Rumble in the Alley: Round 1.

Acadie-Broue says Le Gaboteuse is currently available at The Tide and Boar in Moncton. This beer is a Belgian IPA brewed in collaboration with Big Tide Brewing.

NB Beer Tours is doing their River Valley again on October 17th. It leaves at 9:00 AM from King Street Ale House and returns at 6:15 PM. Includes beers at Petit-Sault, Railcar Brewing and Big Axe Brewing with samples on bus and a box lunch. Get tickets now. 

Breton Brewing is hiring, they are looking for retail, delivery and assistant brewer positions. If you are interested send a resume to or drop by the brewery.

Garrison Brewing says Honey Lavender Ale is back,in 650ml bomber bottles. Available at the brewery and it weighs in at 6.3% ABV.

Good Robot is having a Dog Wash on Sunday August 16th. Get your dog pampered by All 4 Paws Pet Services, grab a custom-made T DOGS hot dog, 12 ounces of beer and jam to some Snoop all for 20 bucks with some of the proceeds will be going to ElderDog.

North Brewing and Brooklyn Warehouse released more details on the new joint venture, Battery Park, that is opening in October. As far as food Chef Mark Gray will be designing an ever-changing menu of snacks, small plates to share, and other surprises. North will have its beers on tap as well as one offs that will be brewed on site. North will also have a retail shop for growler fills. This is another step on North becoming a zero emission brewery by powering the new brewhouse with spent cooking oil. Lastly, as Brooklyn did, they are using crowdfunding as a means to finance this project. 

The owners of Paddy’s Pub in Kentville and Wolfville will add a new location on Cole Drive next to the Super 8 Hotel in Windsor. They hope to open by the Spring of next year and the new building will contain Paddy’s Pub, Rosie’s Restaurant, a 15 barrel brewery and a banquet hall. Long term plans include canning at the site as well. 

Unfiltered Brewing is releasing a new seasonal, Daytimer, a 3.4% ABV kettle-soured Berliner Weisse dry-hopped with plenty of Mosaic for a serious kick of tropical fruit. Available at the brewery now. 

On September 1st Bar Stillwell will be hosting brewers from Jester King and Brasserie Dunham as part of a celebration of the release of their new collaborative brew. Tickets to the 6 PM - 8 PM session will allow early access to the limited supply of draught and bottles and a piece of glassware to commemorate the event. Chef Graeme Ruppel will be cooking up some special dishes. Tickets available now.

That is all for this week, until next time enjoy responsibly. 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Maritime Beer Report - August 7, 2015

Hello and welcome to the August 7th, International Beer Day, edition of the Maritime Beer Report. First off I have been reporting the brews news for two years now and would like to thank you all for all the support.

PEI Brewing had a Kiwi IPA on tap for #IPADay and they say it was made by one of their Kiwis, Wax the logistics manager, in honor of our other Kiwi, Big Scotty. This IPA has freshly squeezed kiwi juice and is dry hopped with Citra and Comet. More on PEI Brewing in a moment.

Upstreet Craft Brewing launched their first seasonal beer on #IPADay. White Noize is a white IPA brewed with 50% wheat and generously hopped with Cascade, Centennial, Chinook and Columbus throughout. It weighs in at 7% ABV and 70 IBUs. The name is a tribute to the acoustical din of the tap room. 

Big Tide Brewing celebrated its sixth birthday this week. Wendy brewed their Anniversary Amber Ale again. This time using six types of malted barley an six hop varieties and hoping to get 6% ABV. It will be available shortly. They also launched the first collaboration between Big Tide an Hammond River Brewing, Rhubarbaric Saison. It was brewed with approximately 70 pounds of local rhubarb, pilsner and wheat malt and comes in around 7.1 ABV.

Distillerie Fils du Roy has a summer seasonal called La Messe Blanche. It is a 7% ABV weizenbock that has a great description on the facebook page. Looks like a very refreshing summer beer. The beer was made in the honor of Alexie Landry born in 1721 who officiated white masses, that is to say a mass without a priest for the people of Caraquet.

Picaroons Traditional Ales says Pride Sally Pride Apricot Ale will be back on tap starting this Sunday at the Brewtique and at the 2015 Fredericton Pride Festival Beer Garden in Downtown Fredericton. This is a 4.5% ABV beer and it is while supplies last. In honor of #IPADay they had 3 different dry-hopped Yippee IPAs on tap. One was Cascade & Tettnang, one with Saaz & Fuggles and one with Amarillo & Rakau. Picaroons is coming to Halifax and taking over the taps at Lion & Bright Café Wine Bar this Saturday after the Halifax Seaport Beerfest. They are also bringing a special guest HALF CUT Brewing Company.

The Pump House Brewery has Strawberry Wheat now on tap at the brewery in Moncton. Flavoured with local strawberries and a 5.2% ABV.

Big Spruce Brewing released two beers this week, a collaboration and a seasonal. First is Gimme Citra, a single hopped pale ale made with Stillwell Beer Bar. Big Spruce says "Outrageously aromatic, flavourful, and perfect for summer, this will be hitting Halifax yesterday. 36 IBU and 5.5% ABV. Available now at the brewery." Next up is Tip of the Spear Spruce Tip IPA. Also available now at the brewery.

Garrison Brewing was working on a collaboration today while the folks from Great Lakes Brewery and Metalman Brewing are in town

As I mentioned in the Spring, Rogues Roost will be closing by October 1 because its building is being redeveloped. The exact closure date is to be announced. This is sad news but PEI Brewing will be producing a Rogues Roost IPA that will be available in cans and sold in liquor stores across the Maritimes starting in September. Details being released soon.

Stutz Cider has released a new Wild Blueberry cider. It is made from fresh Nova Scotia Apples and Blueberries. It is available across Nova Scotia and is 6.5% ABV. 

Halifax Oktoberfest is looking for volunteers for the 2015 installment if you are interested email for more info.

Ending with a sad note this week with some bad news from Barnone Brewing. Hugh Campbell, father and business partner passed away. He was a charming man and full of life when I met him. The family has my condolences at this difficult time.

Thanks for joining me again this week and until next time enjoy responsibly.